Elite Boys
Date Owner Player Action
05.07.2021 15:00 rpg2_.Asap rpg2_.Asap Left the clan
05.07.2021 14:08 NarcisZEW.asi Hex.1337 Joined the clan
05.07.2021 13:57 Hex.1337 Hex.1337 Left the clan
04.07.2021 21:56 NarcisZEW.asi rpg2_Gelu2k Was kicked out (3 warns)
04.07.2021 21:56 NarcisZEW.asi rpg2_Gelu2k Received ClanWarn
04.07.2021 21:56 NarcisZEW.asi rpg2_Gelu2k Received ClanWarn
04.07.2021 15:41 D4NiEL rpg2_.Asap Joined the clan
03.07.2021 10:42 AdmBot Hex.1337 Joined the clan
03.07.2021 09:56 NarcisZEW.asi Vasea Got rank 3
03.07.2021 09:56 NarcisZEW.asi Balezzu.UCV Got rank 5
03.07.2021 09:56 NarcisZEW.asi rpg2_AndreiFacPeMinus Got rank 2
03.07.2021 09:56 NarcisZEW.asi rpg2_ShowxVijelie Got rank 2
03.07.2021 09:55 NarcisZEW.asi rpg2_Gelu2k Got rank 2
02.07.2021 19:48 rpg2_Haedrid. rpg2_Haedrid. Left the clan
02.07.2021 14:58 [TFG]rpg2_HaiducuDragos BoNo Joined the clan